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Name: Diva Dwi Cahyo
Class: 12 IPA 2

The Kind Elephant

During the day it was very hot in the forest. The place where the mouse deer, elephant and other animals live seems to be on fire. The mouse deer was thirsty while continuing to look for water.
On the way he saw a pool of very clear water. Without thinking he immediately plunged into the pool. Kancil's actions were very careless, he didn't think how to get up. Several times Kancil tried to climb up, but he couldn't get to the top. The mouse deer could not do anything. He just screamed for help.
The mouse deer's cry was heard by the elephant who happened to be passing by that place. ''Hey, who's in that pool?''
''I ... The Kancil, your best friend.''
The mouse deer was silent for a moment, looking for a way so that the elephant would help him, "Help me lift this fish."
"It's true you got fish?"
“Really… true! I caught a really big fish.”
The elephant thought for a moment. It could just go down easily but what if it goes up later.
“You want to take advantage of me, Cil? You will deceive me for your interests and safety?” asked the elephant.
The mouse deer was silent, "Once in a while you have to be taught a lesson," said the elephant as he left the place. The elephant did not listen to the mouse deer's screams. He was getting desperate.
The longer he was in that place, the mouse deer started to feel cold. Until late afternoon, no animal heard his screams.
"Oh bad! I'm really going to be stiff in this place,” he wondered if this was karma because he often pranked his friends.
Not long after, suddenly the Elephant reappeared.. Kancil asked for help again.
"Help me, I promise I won't be jail again."
"Promise?" Elephant stressed.
“Now have you come to your senses? And will you promise not to cheat, be ignorant, play pranks and harm other animals?”
"That's right Mr. Elephant, I really promised." The elephant stretched out its long trunk to catch the mouse deer and lifted him up.
“Thank you, Mr. Elephant! I will never forget your kindness,” said the mouse deer when he reached the top.
Since then, Kancil became a very good animal. He no longer plays pranks like he once did with other animals. We must be careful when we act. If you're not careful, you'll get hurt. If we are careful we will survive. It can even save others.
Moral Message: We must be careful when we behave in order to be safe, and to be able to save others.



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